With your authorization, we may access precise location information from your mobile device to provide you a customized experience
With your authorization, we may access your mobile device contact information to help you manage your communication with others
With your authorization, we may access calendar information from your mobile device to help you schedule reminders
With your authorization, we may access the camera or photo library on your mobile device so that you can do things like list an item
When you connect your StubHub account with a third party social networking or sign-in service, we may create and authenticate your account or connect your account with other features and services. You control the personal information we have access to through (a) the privacy settings in the App and (b) the permissions you express on the device used to grant us access to your personal information retained within, and collected by, the App
With your authorization, we may access your mobile device’s music library and music preference information to offer you a customized experience
We may use your information to serve you customized advertising if you allow us. You can opt-out using your device’s setting
We protect your information using technical and administrative security measures designed to reduce the risks of loss or misuse